
Sunday, August 18, 2013

I can count the number of days on one hand.

So today, I was sitting in the car on my way to London to visit family for the last time before I leave, listening to Taylor Swift's White Horse, and it hit me that this is real and there are four days left and some of the people I've said goodbye to already I won't see for a whole year and I almost started crying because oh my gosh this is happening all too fast and i don't know how to handle it and my goodness this is going to be so much fun but it's going to be so tough and just I really don't know how to deal with my emotions right now... They're literally all over the place. There are so many people I know I'm going to miss but I know they're happy for me but still it's a crazy feeling. So this is my life; welcome. Side note: Taylor Swift's album Fearless is kinda describing my situation perfectly at the moment, so take a good listen. 

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