Honestly, I cannot believe that I've spent five solid months of my life in France.
This has been such an amazing experience for me so far, and I just really can't believe it.
There's been happy moments, and sad moments, moments where you feel completely lost, and moments where you feel like you're the center of the universe. I'm sure other exchange students will agree with me that this is the most terrifying and satisfying thing you can do with your whole life. I'm at the halfway point, but I know already that I'll remember my time here forever.
There's been happy moments, and sad moments, moments where you feel completely lost, and moments where you feel like you're the center of the universe. I'm sure other exchange students will agree with me that this is the most terrifying and satisfying thing you can do with your whole life. I'm at the halfway point, but I know already that I'll remember my time here forever.
BUT IN SAYING THAT, there are numerous people I should thank, because without them, I wouldn't be here now.
So without further ado;
So without further ado;
To my parents, for supporting me every step of the way, no matter what the endeavor. Momsy, thanks for raising me to be such a kind and caring young gentleman, and for showing me compassion and how to treat others with the respect they deserve. Pops, tippin' my hat to you for being brave enough to do what I'm doing now when you were my age. I can't imagine the courage that must have taken, knowing that there's no skype or facebook or facetime or internet... Thanks for encouraging me to follow what I believe in, and pushing me to being true to myself, and finding out what I want.
To my siblings, gosh y'all are difficult to talk about.
Dominic, you're the bully big brother that every younger brother needs. You're also my favourite person with whom to shoot the ahem... mustn't swear on the internet now. We've had our differences, but I really respect you, as a person and as a mentor.Nadia, we bicker and fight a lot, but deep down, I love ya kid, that's all there is to it.
To the Rotary club of Windsor (1918); I cannot thank you enough for being the means by which I was able to have this amazing experience. It amazes me, the Youth Exchange Program, and I think it's such a good thing that's being done by Rotary clubs all over the world. I appreciate all the work you've done for young adults like myself in the past, and all the work I'm sure you'll be doing in the future.
Maintenant en français, parce qu'il y a un tas de gens qu'il faut remercier ici en France.
Pour commencer, le club Rotary de Metz; il n’y a pas de mots pour exprimer ma gratitude mais je vais tout de même essayer. Je suis tellement heureux d'être tombé dans votre club, vous êtes tous tellement gentils, et sans vous je n’aurais jamais eu la chance de venir en France.
Mes deux familles d'accueil; honnêtement, je suis tombé dans deux des plus gentilles familles de Metz, selon moi. C'est vrai qu'avec chaque famille il y a des défauts, mais franchement, je ne pouvais pas demander plus. Je suis tellement content d'avoir eu la chance de vous rencontrer, et vous êtes tellement gentils de m'avoir laissé faire irruption dans vos maisons.
Et enfin, mes chers et chères amis de T2; sans qui je ne sais pas comment j'aurais fait en rentrant au lycée et tout ça, et maintenant vous êtes comme ma...Combien est-ce que ça fait maintenant? Ma vraie famille, ma première famille d'accueil, ma deuxième famille d'accueil... et vous, qui êtes comme ma quatrième famille, et franchement je vous aime tous. Je n'ai aucune idée de la façon dont mon année se serait déroulée sans vous. Je suis sur qu'elle n’aurait pas été aussi merveilleuse qu’elle l’est maintenant. Je n’arrive pas à trouver les mots pour vous dire ce que je pense vraiment de vous, parce que c'est trop dur. Il y a tellement de trucs à raconter, qu'il n’y a aucune manière de le faire.
Mais c'est juste pour vous dire que, je vous kiffe les amis, voila. C'est tout.